Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Chair that was free...but was hard to look at!

A couple of years ago my mom gave me a glider rocking chair, the stool to the chair was missing but hey free is free!!!  I wanted to use the chair for Boogie's nursery, but there was no way that it would look good in there as it was.

So I painted the chair white to match all the other baby furniture, there are spots on the underside of the chair that I didn't quite get painted very well, but meh who will see it?
Then I had to recover those cushions, Boogie's room was done in teal and chocolate brown.  I also had some leftover fabric from making her crib bedding so tada, new cushions that match her room perfectly, and who doesn't love a great polka dot fabric!!!!

I am really pleased with the way that it turned out, there are imperfections on the chair but I don't think Boogie minds, plus free chair, extra fabric, and a perfectly matching chair for the nursery, how could it get any better than that?

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