
Saturday, June 15, 2013


My babysitter not only watches my kiddos (Monkey, Bubby, Babydoll, and Baby Boogie) during the day but her daughter's two children (Little Miss #1 and #2) as well.  These six children range from 10 years old to 2 years old.  Now with school out (for three of them) they are pretty hard to entertain.  On nice days she takes them outside to run off a little bit of that extra energy, you know the kind we would all like to bottle up and sell.  The kids love the slip-n-slide she bought for them and they have too many toys to play with, but they still get bored sometimes.
Parachute to the rescue!!

This Parachute can be bought at Birthday in a Box, a great party supply site that has EVERYTHING you could think of for parties, costumes, and items to turn everyday into a lot better!  I remember parachute day being one of my favorite days in gym class and I couldn't wait for our parachute to be delivered so my kiddos could enjoy it too!  The delivery was super speedy, Birthday in a Box promised by ten days time we would find the parachute in the mailbox. I honestly think it was more like 6 days! The package was small enough to fit into my mailbox easily, and arrived in this little blue drawstring bag for storage.
( It now has a permanent home in the back of my van so we can take it to the park with us)

The Parachute is a great size, there are 12 handles which means that all our kiddos had two a piece.  I know that when we have birthday parties our guest list is normally about 10-15 kids, so then everyone would get one handle each.  We may have to take turns, sometimes!  Now, the age group for the parachute is 3 and up, so baby Boogie and little miss #2 didn't really understand what we were doing.  Baby Boogie and little Miss #2 didn't seem to mind too much and were laughing just as much as the bigger kids. can play games with the parachute. 
The kiddos were playing Grand Old Duke of York in the above picture.
The Grand Old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of the hill (parachute up)
and he marched them down again (parachute down)
He marched them to the left (walk to the left)
He marched them to the left (walk to the left)
He marched them to the right (walk to the right)
He marched them to the right (walk to the right)
He marched them up (parachute up)
He marched them down (parachute down)
Oh what a silly sight (shake the parachute really fast)

Name Game
(in the tune of Row, Row, Row your Boat)
Up, up, up it goes
Down, down, down it comes
If your name is_____(put in a child's name)
Now it is your turn to run
Follow the directions of the song, up and down for the parachute.  When the child runs have them run under the parachute, while you slowly lower it trying to trap them under the parachute.

After the Name Game the kiddos decided they just wanted to run under it at that point.  The older kids had a blast running as fast as they could and my babysitter and Monkey tried to trap them as fast as possible.  The parachute took a pretty bad beating during this rough housing, but it held up great.  No rips, tears or crying kiddos, they just ran their tiny butts off! If a toy can last through my kiddos playing rough with it, the toy is dur-ra-ble!!!

After about an hour of playing it started to rain.  Babydoll, Baby Boogie and Little Miss #1 thought that the parachute would make a perfect tent for the rain.  I think they believe all that sugar and spice stuff, and they might melt if they get wet.  Well the parachute only repelled the rain for so long, then we had to head inside. So no it's not water repellent.
We love the parachute! The kiddos have played with it multiple times and I have found a long list of other games that we can play with it, which allows us to change it up enough not to get bored.  I can't wait to have the next Birthday party and see how we can utilize our parachute!
Pros: Fast delivery, multiple uses, up to 12 kids can play, dur-ra-ble!
Cons: not rain repellent (yeah that is about all we could find)
*this is a review for Birthday in a Box, all the thoughts and opinions are honest and my own*

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