
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Test It Out Thursday part 1


Where do you get your inspiration?  Is it from Pinterest, friends, blogs, magazines, or do you just come up with things all your own while sleeping peacefully?  Maybe something was taught to you, or passed through the generations?  Well, no matter where you get your inspiration, how many times do you have to test something out before you really get the hang of it, or before it is no longer a craft fail?  I want to see all the tested out projects, recipes, tutorials, and anything else you ave gotten your hands on.  So here it is a place to showcase those tested out items!

How it works.

Link up your posts, make sure it's not the blog they come from, but the actual post! There should be a little space at the bottom left that will allow you to do this. (If I did my part correctly) Don't forget to give credit when it is due.


  1. Friend This DIY Mom's Diary in some way, follow the blog, Facebook, or Linkys!
  2. Please display the Test it Out Thursday button on your post somewhere.
  3. Visit some of the other posts that have been linked, and be kind we all love to hear (read) those comments!

Here is a little Test It Out Thursday from yours truly!
(I will be making a tutorial about it soon)
I keep finding all of the super cute pictures of little girls aprons all over the web.  I wanted one for my oldest daughter! (Babydoll) So I "tested" making one myself! It's isn't the best bit of sewmanship...but meh my sewing machine and I couldn't work out our problems.  Therapy didn't work, so I replaced it.  The new machine works a heck of a lot better now I just need to fine tune my skills :)

(Told you I need to work on my skills a bit )

Thank you!

I hope that this works out the way it is supposed to, hope you all have fun, and learn something from each other.  Come back next Thursday and see which links were some of my favorite, and see if you were featured!! 



  1. what a great idea. thx for posting the directions!

    1. No problem! Thank you for linking up, hopefully it will get more links in time, I will continue to post this every Thursday for a little bit to see how it goes, until it either takes off or it's obvious that it's not going to. Stick to it and I will too LOL I am not one who gives up after only one try!


Comments are like your calling card, tell me what you think!