
Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm changing my name...

Do you have those days as a mommy, those days that it seems like everything your child/children says, is said in their whinny voice.  Those days when you tell them like 50 times to not do something, or to stop doing something, yet they still think it is a good idea to do it anyway?  You wonder how they are going to survive the world when the tiniest cut requires 30 band aids, and yet at the same time their brother/sister can beat them senseless and somehow they keep going back for more.  Every toy is scattered about the house, you can't go to the bathroom alone, or with out them knocking on the door every two seconds.  Your are just done, and here it comes one of them walks up to you tears in their eyes, bottom lip puckered out, telling you in the whinny est voice you have ever heard that so and so did this.  That is it, I am changing my name my name is no longer "mommy" anything you have to say to her cannot be said to me because well that is not my name anymore!

This is when my oldest looks at me from another room, and calls out to his sibling "call her Alishia, her name is always Alishia" that's it I can't hold it in......I start cracking up laughing and everything else seems well silly,  not important, and look we still have time to make the most of the day!

The kids really are smarter than you, they can control your moods with more accuracy than any prescription drug, and at the same time know what mommy needs to make the day a "good day"

I normally write on these prompts the day before, or the day of. My computer and Blogger were apparently having a spat.  I was terrified the whole thing would end up in one of those nasty dragged out divorces, but oh happy day they seemed to have fixed their problems! Maybe some much needed therapy, or maybe a night on the town, who knows how it was done I am just glad it was. So I didn't really have the time. But this one did follow along with Prompt #3 Write about a time your child was on to you.


Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. For a while there I thought my first name was "But"...because all I heard my children say was, "But Mom! But Mom!" One day I just snapped and said, "MY FIRST NAME IS NOT BUT!"

    1. Ha ha ha...the first real super hero....but mom

  2. Have you been in my house....and have you met my kids lol? I always think it's funny to read other people's stories and know you are not alone lol. Too funny. I laid on the couch one day when my younger boys were like 4 and 5, and just pretended not to wake up and hear them calling me. They climbed up on the back of the couch and started having a conversation that went something like " Mommy is died" and my youngest one asked his brother "Can we go get another one" lol. I busted out laughing.

    1. I don't think that I could have held that giggle in either, it's nice to know we can't be so easily replaced right? I remember some really old movie about kids trying to trade their mom in and they had like three chances and it all turned out to be a bad idea....need to find that movie and show it to the kiddos!


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