
Friday, August 3, 2012

Back to School is almost here....August wreath!

I love wreath's!  I don't like how expensive most of them are, and my front porch is not covered so they have to hang on the inside of the door...for now!  Not too long ago I decided that I am going to make a wreath for each month of the year, plus a few extra for special occasions.  I was at my local Micheal's and I saw the cutest wreath made from crayons!  Well, I wasn't spending $50.00 on it so today I made my own!  It might not be as nice as the one at Micheal's but hey we like it!  So here is our Back to School Wreath...yes our kids start school in this county in August!

  • Wreath: I bought a flat one for $1.50 at Micheal's in the floral section.
  •  Ribbon: I used it to cover the wreath, just because I didn't want the edges uncovered. $1.00     I also found an accent ribbon I really liked and bought it too. $2.99 The main ribbon was 1 1/2 inch wide, and 3 yd but I had about 6in left.
  • Crayons: I bought these while school supply shopping, I always buy loads extra anyway. $.50  per box, I used almost three boxes.
  • Hot Glue and Glue Gun: I used my low temp one for this project.
Total: about $8.00

 All my supplies lined up.

1.) Wrap the flat wreath in the main ribbon ( 1 1/2in wide ) I used a dab of hot glue every 4 or so wraps.  Make sure you add the glue on what is going to be the back of the wreath.              


2.) After the wreath is fully wrapped start adding the crayons.  You might want to lay them out first to make sure that you get the shape that you want. You don't want to get half way though it and realize that its going to be impossible to get that desired shape, and everything is already glued down...ech hem ;) I glued the first one down, then everyone after was glued to the wreath, and the crayon before it.

3.) After all your crayons are glued down ( in that shape you desired), create a wrap, or add some ribbon to hang the wreath to the door.  I had to add some little ribbon flowers because I glued one crayon down the wrong way. They were all supposed to show the brand name of the crayons..whoops!

Now hang your wreath on the door!  If you use Crayola watch out for the heat because the crayons will melt in the sun.  Luckily, I don't have to worry about it because we are hanging it on the inside of the door.  You could always use colored pencils, add little fun erasers, or small pencil sharpeners.  Have fun with it!!

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